The Tokyo Conference on International Study for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience

Towards a new science and technology to consolidate disaster risk reduction and sustainable development

Ito Hall, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
14th - 16th January, 2015


Presentations, Statements, and Reference Documents

Conference Outcomes and Reference Documents

Poster Presentations

Invited Speakers Presentations

1. Opening Session 2. High Level Panel Session 3. Session on Recovery from Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) and Tsunami 4. Session on Coordination with Environmental and health Activities: Towards Green Growth and Sustainable Development 5. Poster Session (see above)

6. Session on Trans-Disciplinary Study Approach for Disaster Risk Reduction: Towards Achieving Resilience 7. Session on Inter-Disciplinary Study Approach for Disaster Risk Reduction: Towards Driving Risk Management

Last Updated:  2015/04/20 11:14 (JST)
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