All the presented African and Asian Project Design Matrix (PDM) proposals are available in a compiled document.
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Agenda |
File |
1. Welcome Speech
1.1 | D. Cripe, Group on Earth Observation (GEO) Secretariat |
1.2 | K. Isogai, Ministry of of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) |
1.3 | S. Yamamoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) |
1.4 | A. Takemoto, Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Secretariat |
1.5 | T. Koike, The University of Tokyo |
2. GEOSS Capability and Needs of Stakeholders
2.1 | His Excellency Mr. Farukh Amil, Ambassador of Pakistan |
2.2 | His Excellency Mr. Madan Kumar Bhattarai, Ambassador of Nepal |
2.3 | D. Cripe (GEO) - Keynote: Needs of Stakeholders and GEOSS Capability |
2.4 | T. Koike (UT) - Keynote: GEOSS Water Cycle Integrator |
| Questions for Discussion Session |
2.5 | M. Fuwa, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) |
2.6 | V. Anbumozhi, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) |
2.7 | M. Tamagawa, African Development Bank (AfDB) |
2.8 | M. Ishiwatari, World Bank (WB) |
2.9 | Y. Kinoshita, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) |
2.10 | Y. Amano, Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Tourism (MLIT) |
2.12 | T. Koike, University of Tokyo |
3. Water cycle Observations and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
3.1 | His Excellency Mr. Francois OUBIDA, Ambassador of Burkina Faso |
3.2 | Dr. Sivaji Chadaram, Counsellor, Embassy of India |
3.3 | S. Herath (UNU) - Keynote: Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Sustainability
3.4 | S. Ochi (MLIT) - Keynote: Water Cycle Observations and Integrated Water Resources Management
from MLIT's perspective |
3.5 | S. Herath, United Nations University |
3.6 | T. Kawasaki, Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO) |
3.7 | A. Takemoto, Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Secretariat |
3.8 | A. Nonguierma, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) |
3.9 | G. Rasul, Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) |
3.10 | R. Lawford, Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations (IGWCO) |
3.11 | C. Ishida, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) |
4. Contributions by Earth Observation & Science Communities
4.1 | C. Lee (NASA): NASA contributions in Earth science research, applications, and capacity building for
water cycle science and resource management in Asia and Africa |
4.2 | M. Medina (NOAA): NOAA Satellite Activities to Monitor Water |
4.3 | K. Umezawa (JAXA): JAXA Contributions to Water Cycle Observation |
4.4 | B. Meyer (SANSA): Earth Observation for Water |
4.5 | R. Lawford (IGWCO): Introduction to IGWCO COP and the GEOSS Water Strategy |
4.6 | O. Ochiai (GEO Secretariat): GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) Demonstration |
4.7 | K. Onogi (JMA): Introduction of the JRA-55 Reanalysis |
4.8 | Y. Izumikawa (JMA): Introduction of Himawari-8 |
4.9 | Y. Iwami (ICHARM): ICHARM Challenges for Contribution to Water Related Disaster Reduction and Prevention |
4.10 | S. Benedict (GEWEX): Global Energy and Water Exchanges |
4.11 | A. Johnson (Eawag): Groundwater Quality; A health issue? |
6. African Session
6.1 | A. Amani (UNESCO) - Keynote: Key water issues in Africa: need to strengthen water Security in Africa |
6.5 | A. Ali: Niger River Basin |
6.6 | J. Tumbulto: Volta River Basin |
6.7 | M. Bila: Lake Chad Basin Commission |
7. Asian Session
7.1 | D.-H. Bae (Sejong University) - Keynote: Climate Change Impact Assessment on Water Resources in the Asia-Pacific Regions |
7.2 | M. Kitsuregawa (University of Tokyo) - Keynote: Data Integration and Analysis System |
7.3 | E. Hossain: Bangladesh |
7.4 | S. I. Monichoth: Cambodia |
7.6 | M.S.B. Kusuma: Indonesia |
7.7 | B. Sysouphanthavong: Lao PDR |
7.8 | M.Z. Mat Amin: Malaysia |
7.13 | J. Masallo: Philippines |
7.14 | S.B. Weerakoon: Sri Lanka |
7.15 | T. Sukhaphunnaphan: Thailand |
7.16 | I. Dergacheva: Uzbekistan |
8. Discussion for Implementation Planning
9. Toward Implementation
9.1 | T. Koike (UT): Summary Report |
9.2 | Questions for Discussion |
9.3 | T. Koike (panel discussion): University of Tokyo |