The First Asia-Africa Water Cycle Symposium

The GEOSS Joint Asia – Africa Water Cycle Symposium

Tokyo, Japan
25 - 27 November, 2013

The First Asia-Africa Water Cycle Symposium


Group Photo

Group Photo

Get the full resolution photo >>HERE<<.

Other photos

The Symposium photos can be viewed and downloaded through these galleries:
- DAY 1 (25 November)
- DAY 2 (26 November)

High resolution images (for printing) can be downloaded as a whole package for individual days (zip format):
- DAY 1 (25 November): Part 1; Part 2
- DAY 2 (26 November): Part 1; Part 2

Video document of the Symposium (37 min., ~550 MB)

The video file can be downloaded >>HERE<< or watched at the Youtube site.

Last Updated:  2014/01/22 15:20 (JST)
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