The First Asia-Africa Water Cycle Symposium

The GEOSS Joint Asia – Africa Water Cycle Symposium

Tokyo, Japan
25 - 27 November, 2013

The First Asia-Africa Water Cycle Symposium


Detailed agenda

A pdf version of the final agenda is available here.

Program main sessions

Monday 25 November

  1. Opening:
    - Welcome Speech
    - Photo Session

  2. GEOSS Capability and Needs of Stakeholders
    - Key Note Talks
    - Panel Discussion


  1. Water Cycle Observations and Integrated Water Resources Management:
    - Key Note Talks
    - Panel Discussion

  2. Contributions by Earth Observation & Science Communities:
    - Oral Presentations

  3. Poster Session


Tuesday 26 November

  1. African Session:
    - Key Note Talks
    - Introduction to Projects

  2. Asian Session:
    - Key Note Talks
    - Introduction to Projects


  1. Asian Session - continue:
    - Key Note Talks
    - Introduction to Projects

  2. Discussion for Implementation Planning

Wednesday 27 November

  1. Toward Implementation:
    - Summary Report
    - Panel Discussion

  2. Summary and Closing

Last Updated:  2013/12/02 13:21 (JST)
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