The 10th GEO IGWCO COP Meeting

held in conjunction with

The 7th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium  

Tokyo, Japan, 26 - 30 May 2014

The 10th GEO IGWCO COP Meeting The 7th GEOSS AP Symposium The 10th AWCI ICG Meeting

Presentations and Reference Material

The tenth GEO Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations (IGWCO) Community of Practice (CoP) Meeting


Agenda File
A. Opening  
A01T. Koike, University of Tokyo (UT)
A02D. Cripe, GEO Secretariat
A03R. Lawford, GEO Water
1.5T. Koike, University of Tokyo
B. Review of Water Task Activities  
B00R. Hossain, WHO: GEO Audit of the Water Task
B01P. van Oevelen, GEWEX: Overview Soil Moisture
B02A. Strauch, University of Bonn: GEOWOW - GEOSS Interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water
B03T. Koike, UT: GEO Water Cycle Integrator
B04J. Schellekens, Deltares: The eartH2Observe project
B05S. Miura, JAXA: DIAS CEOS Water Portal
B06G. Huffman, Precipitation Component Activities
B07W. Pozzi, Global Drought and Flood Information Systems
B08Y. Iwami, ICHARM: FLood Early Warning System for Insufficient Observed River Basins Using Global & In-situ Data
B09J. Shi, State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, China: Introduction to Global Water Cycle Mission
B10A. Strauch, Uni Bonn: Global Water Quality Products and Services: Sediments
B11A. Gutiérrez-Magness, NOAA: CIEHLYC (Comunidad para la Informacion Espacial e Hydrografica en Latinoamerica y el Caribe)
C. Capacity Development Activities  
C01T. Koike, UT: Introduction and Overview of AWCI and AfWCCI
C02Y. Zeng, University of Twente: The Dragon Programme
D. Introduction to Phase II Asian Water Cycle Initiative (Country Contributions)  
D01M. Rahman, Bangladesh
D02K. Chhophel, Bhutan
D03K. Tsujimoto, Cambodia
D04M.S.B. Kusuma, Indonesia
D05B. Sysouphanthavong, Lao PDR
D06D. Oyunbaataar, Mongolia
D07T. Zaw, Myanmar
D08G. Rasul, Pakistan
D09A. Solis, Philippines
D10S.B. Weerakoon, Sri Lanka
D.11T. Sukhapunnaphan, Thailand
D.12D.N. Tinh, Vietnam
D.13T. Koike, UT: AWCI Phase II Main Foci
E. Continued Review of Task Components  
E01S. Greb, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources: Water Quality
E02D. Toll, NASA/GSFC: GEO Evapotranspiration Activity
E05K. Labbassi, Chouaib Doukkali University: Water Resources in Morocco
F. Implementing the GEOSS Water Strategy  
R. Lawford: Overview of the GEOSS Water Strategy
G. Agency Contributions to GEO Water and the GEOSS Water Strategy  
G01S. Yabe, JAXA: JAXA's Inputs Addressing the Recommendations from GEOSS Water Strategy Report
G02D. Toll, NASA: NASA Contributions to GEO
G03Z.B. Su (by Y. Zeng), University of Twente: Research and Education Activities in Water Cycle and Climate
G05R. Hossain, WHO: Linking GEO, Health and post Millennium Development Goals agenda
H. New Directions and Synergies with other GEO Activities  
H01T. Platt (by D. Cripe), Oceans and Society: Blue Planet
H03A. Strauch, Uni Bonn: Wetlands, GEO BON and GEO Water Cooperation
H04P. van Oevelen, Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) - Science Questions and Imperatives
H06R. Lawford, Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Sustainable Water Futures and Implications for the IGWCO COP and GEO Water
I. Special Session on Water and SDGs, Health and UN Programs  
I03R. Lawford, IGWCO COP 2014 Action Items
J. Moving Forward  
J01R. Hossain, WHO: SDG GEOSS 2015
J01R. Hossain, WHO: SDG IGWCO Links 2015

Last Updated:  2014/06/16 12:06 (JST)
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