Agenda |
File |
A. Opening
A01 | T. Koike, University of Tokyo (UT) |
A02 | D. Cripe, GEO Secretariat |
1.5 | T. Koike, University of Tokyo |
B. Review of Water Task Activities
B00 | R. Hossain, WHO: GEO Audit of the Water Task |
B01 | P. van Oevelen, GEWEX: Overview Soil Moisture |
B02 | A. Strauch, University of Bonn: GEOWOW - GEOSS Interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water |
B03 | T. Koike, UT: GEO Water Cycle Integrator |
B04 | J. Schellekens, Deltares: The eartH2Observe project |
B05 | S. Miura, JAXA: DIAS CEOS Water Portal |
B06 | G. Huffman, Precipitation Component Activities |
B07 | W. Pozzi, Global Drought and Flood Information Systems |
B08 | Y. Iwami, ICHARM: FLood Early Warning System for Insufficient Observed River Basins Using Global & In-situ Data |
B09 | J. Shi, State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, China: Introduction to Global Water Cycle Mission |
B10 | A. Strauch, Uni Bonn: Global Water Quality Products and Services: Sediments |
B11 | A. Gutiérrez-Magness, NOAA: CIEHLYC (Comunidad para la Informacion Espacial e Hydrografica en Latinoamerica y el Caribe) |
C. Capacity Development Activities
C01 | T. Koike, UT: Introduction and Overview of AWCI and AfWCCI |
C02 | Y. Zeng, University of Twente: The Dragon Programme |
D. Introduction to Phase II Asian Water Cycle Initiative (Country Contributions)
D03 | K. Tsujimoto, Cambodia |
D04 | M.S.B. Kusuma, Indonesia |
D05 | B. Sysouphanthavong, Lao PDR |
D06 | D. Oyunbaataar, Mongolia |
D10 | S.B. Weerakoon, Sri Lanka |
D.11 | T. Sukhapunnaphan, Thailand |
D.13 | T. Koike, UT: AWCI Phase II Main Foci |
E. Continued Review of Task Components
E01 | S. Greb, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources: Water Quality |
E02 | D. Toll, NASA/GSFC: GEO Evapotranspiration Activity |
E05 | K. Labbassi, Chouaib Doukkali University: Water Resources in Morocco |
F. Implementing the GEOSS Water Strategy
| R. Lawford: Overview of the GEOSS Water Strategy |
G. Agency Contributions to GEO Water and the GEOSS Water Strategy
G01 | S. Yabe, JAXA: JAXA's Inputs Addressing the Recommendations from GEOSS Water Strategy Report |
G02 | D. Toll, NASA: NASA Contributions to GEO |
G03 | Z.B. Su (by Y. Zeng), University of Twente: Research and Education Activities in Water Cycle and Climate |
G05 | R. Hossain, WHO: Linking GEO, Health and post Millennium Development Goals agenda |
H. New Directions and Synergies with other GEO Activities
H01 | T. Platt (by D. Cripe), Oceans and Society: Blue Planet |
H03 | A. Strauch, Uni Bonn: Wetlands, GEO BON and GEO Water Cooperation |
H04 | P. van Oevelen, Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) - Science Questions and Imperatives |
H06 | R. Lawford, Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Sustainable Water Futures and Implications for the IGWCO COP and GEO Water |
I. Special Session on Water and SDGs, Health and UN Programs
I03 | R. Lawford, IGWCO COP 2014 Action Items |
J. Moving Forward
J01 | R. Hossain, WHO: SDG GEOSS 2015 |
J01 | R. Hossain, WHO: SDG IGWCO Links 2015 |