The 10th GEO IGWCO COP Meeting

held in conjunction with

The 7th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium  

Tokyo, Japan, 26 - 30 May 2014

The 10th GEO IGWCO COP Meeting The 7th GEOSS AP Symposium The 10th AWCI ICG Meeting

Meeting Program

The tenth GEO Integrated Global Water Cycle Observations (IGWCO) Community of Practice (CoP) Meeting

Detailed agenda

Current draft agenda for the two day meeting is available in the pdf format >>HERE<<.

It is still subject to further adjustments. Questions about the program should be directed to Rick Lawford at

Program at a glance

Day1 (Thursday, 29 May)

1.   Opening Session
2.   Review of Water Task Activities

3.   Review of the Task Components
4.   Introduction of the Phase II Asian Water Cycle Initiative

Reception: Celebration of Ten Years of IGWCO Collaboration hosted by the University of Tokyo

Day2 (Friday, 30 May)

5.   Continued Review of the Task Components with Remote Presentations
6.   Implementing the GEOSS Water Strategy

7.   Agency contributions to GEO Water and the GEOSS Water Strategy
8.   New Directions and Synergies with other GEO activities
9.   Special Session on Water and SDGs, Health and UN Programs
10. Moving forward

Last Updated:  2014/06/12 17:47 (JST)
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