CEOP Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observations Project

News Archive

HyMeX was approved as a new Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) of the new GHP at the August 2010 Pan-GEWEX and SSG Meetings, Seattle 14.9.2010

At the SSG Meeting following the Pan-GEWEX event in Seattle in August, the SSG also followed up on the recommendation from CEOP to approve a new RHP called the HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX), focused on the 20 countries around the Mediterranean Sea and the fresh water and salinity of the Sea itself.


Formation of a new GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel in place of CEOP and other outcomes and prospects from the August 2010 Pan-GEWEX and SSG Meetings, Seattle 14.9.2010

The Second Pan-GEWEX Science Meeting took place at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA, from Monday 23rd through Friday 27th August 2010. The working groups and panels within GEWEX met together and exchanged views while interacting to formulate future plans. A set of decisions and recommendations resulted from the SSG deliberations that followed the Pan-GEWEX meeting on 27 and 28 August. These included a formation of a new GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP: note the name vs the earlier GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel) to replace CEOP, effective immediately. Accordingly the new name and acronym of the panel should always be used when referring to former CEOP and its activities (possible reference is: GHP, formerly CEOP). Preliminary summary of the outcomes and prospects from the meetings has been provided by Kevin Trenberth, SSG Chair and is available here.
The material presented at the Pan-GEWEX meeting has been uploaded to the meeting website.


The 2nd Pan-GEWEX Science Meeting in Seattle, USA, 23 - 27 August 2010. 24.5.2010

The Second Pan-GEWEX Science Meeting will take place at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA, from Monday 23rd through Friday 27th August 2010. The meeting will bring together the project and working group members of the three GEWEX Panels [GEWEX Radiation Panel (GRP), GEWEX Modelling and Prediction Panel (GMPP), Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project (CEOP)] to develop and discuss a plan for GEWEX science post 2013. The Pan-GEWEX meeting will address how the GEWEX panels and their projects and working groups will continue to work over the next 2 years to achieve their short-term goals, and how they will evolve to accomplish post 2013 Imperatives. This process will include determining what enabling infrastructure is necessary and developing a strategy for dealing with the GEWEX and WCRP cross cutting or overarching themes. Further program and logistics information can be found at the 2nd Pan-GEWEX meeting website.


Presentation material of the 3rd CEOP Annual Meeting in Melbourne, Australia, from Wednesday 19 through Friday 21 August 2009, is now available. 03.09.2009

The Third CEOP Annual Meeting was held in Melbourne, Australia, from Wednesday 19 through Friday 21 August 2009 in conjunction with the Sixth International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle and the Second iLEAPS Science Conference that was held in Melbourne, 24 - 28 August 2009.


A tentative calendar of CEOP Conference Calls available. 24.02.2009

A tentative calendar of CEOP Conference Calls has been outlined and is available on the Publications/Documents page. Also available on this page are Notes from the past calls.


Presentation material of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva, 15 - 17 September 2008, is now available. 14.10.2008

The oral and poster presentations of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva as well as submitted abstracts of these contributions have been uploaded on the CEOP home page. The material is available through the Meetings page.


Further updates to the Agenda and other documents of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva, 15 - 17 September 2008. 12.09.2008

The Agenda of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting has been further updated. The new version is available here and may be considered a final one. Possible last minute changes will be announced at the registration. Also available is a List of announced posters and a Collection of submitted abstracts of oral and poster presentations.


Updated version of the agenda of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva, 15 - 17 September 2008. 10.09.2008

The Agenda of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting has been updated recently. The new version is available here.


Dr. Ronald Stewart accepted the post of CEOP Co-Chair. 02.09.2008

It was announced by the GEWEX SSG Chairman at the GEWEX Executive Meeting 25-26 August 2008 at the GEWEX Project Office in Washington D.C. that Dr. Ronald Stewart had accepted the post of Co-Chair of CEOP. The post had been open since the recent passing of Dr. John Roads.


Special CEOP issue of GEWEX News (August 2008) has been published. 29.08.2008

The special issue of GEWEX News (August 2008) featuring CEOP has been published and the prints will be shipped at the beginning of September. The PDF version of the Newsletter is available here.


Provisional agenda of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva, 15 - 17 September 2008. 29.08.2008

A provisional agenda of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting has been released in July and slightly updated recently. Further updates are expected soon. A poster session is scheduled at the meeting and participants are encouraged to prepare a poster. All oral and poster presentation contributors are requested to submit an abstract of their contribution by 10 September 2008. More information is available at the meeting web site.

- Agenda

Meeting web site


Invitation letter and logistics information of the 2nd CEOP International Implementation Planning Meeting in Geneva, 15 - 17 September 2008. 30.06.2008

An invitation letter for the 2nd CEOP International Implementation Planning Meeting together with a logistics information page were sent to the CEOP community by via e-mail on 26 June 2006. The meeting web site has been opened and on-line registration will be launched soon.

- Meeting web site

- Invitation Letter

- Logistics Information Page


Obituary Notice. 30.06.2008


20 January 1950 - 21 June 2008

John Roads portrait

John Roads, Research Professor at the University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institute of Oceanography (SIO), Co-Chair of the GEWEX Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project (CEOP), and former Chair of the GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel, died on Saturday, 21 June, following a 2-year battle with leukemia.

Johnfs passing marks the loss of not just a leading climate scientist but also of a dear friend and colleague who had a special gift for reaching out to other disciplines, individuals and students to convey his vision and achieve success. His drive and commitment to the goals and objectives he helped define for GEWEX and CEOP remained strong up to the point where he was physically unable to continue his work. We are fortunate to have known John and will miss him deeply.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to a trust fund be established in John's name, which will enable SIO graduate students to attend climate science conferences. Donations should be made out to "UC Regents" and should reference the "John Roads Memorial Scholarship fund". They can be sent directly to: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr., # 0210 La Jolla, CA 92093-0210.

In Memoriam of John Roads on the GEWEX Home Page

Obituary Notice on the Scripps web pages


CEOP proposal to the GEO 2007 Work Plan Water Task WA-08-01 approved. 13.06.2008

CEOP has proposed a specific subtask dedicated to the Water Cycle Data Integration to the GEO 2007 Work Plan Water Task WA-08-01 and this proposal has been approved by the task leaders and CEOP recognized as a formal contributor to GEOSS. The revised version of the WA-08-01 Task including CEOP subtask is available here.


2nd CEOP International Implementation Planning Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 15 - 17 September 2008. 19.05.2008

The 2nd CEOP International Implementation Planning Meeting will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 15 - 17 September 2008. The Meeting is being hosted by the WCRP Secretariat at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Headquarters building (7 bis, Avenue de la Paix, Case Postale 2300, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland). Confirmation of participation is due by 15 July 2008 by via email to: Akiko Goda ( with copies to Petra Koudelova ( and Cathi Kulat ( More information is to come soon.


The CEOP/GEWEX Extremes Specific Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, 21 - 3 May 2008. 19.05.2008

The CEOP/GEWEX Extremes Specific Workshop is held in Vancouver, Canada, from 21 - 3 May 2008. The main objective of the workshop is to move forward with the CEOP/GEWEX Extremes effort as a contribution to WCRP and other programs concerned with extremes. Extremes is a major issue within CEOP, GEWEX and WCRP as well as within other efforts. Numerous activities are being carried out but there is a need for greater coordination and a collective effort. This workshop will move this ahead with the principal focus being on GEWEX and CEOP but with consideration of Extremes research in other elements of WCRP as well as within other programs. The expected outcome is an overall assessment of current Extremes research and related studies and an improved research plan, including interactions with others, to realize the Extremes study objectives. More.


The first Multi-model Analysis for CEOP (MAC) Dataset completed and available. 19.05.2008

The CEOP Global Model Studies team announces public availability of the MAC dataset. The MAC comprises 6-hourly global gridded model data on a common grid (1.25 deg lon. by 1.25 deg lat.) with common variables names for 8 (eight) models as currently available from the MPI Model and Data group for the EOP-3/4 period from Oct 2002 to Dec 2004. The data is also available in daily and monthly averages. Included are the ensemble mean and standard deviation along with the date from the individual models. 48 surface and upper-air variables are included within the MAC. The data is available in both NetCDF and GRIB1 formats, along with associated GrADS control files. The dataset is described in this document and the variable availability for each model center is listed in the accompanying spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will open in OpenOffice, if Excel is not available. The data itself is currently available from a (temporary) public ftp site: It will eventually have a permanent home at the NASA/GSFC GESDISC (Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center).


The CEOP-HE Kick-off Meeting, Padua, Italy, April 2008. 19.05.2008

The CEOP High Elevation Kick-off Meeting was held in Padua, Italy in April 2008. The CEOP-HE study goals, strategies and implementation steps were discussed with an aim to finalize the input for the CEOP Strategic and Implementation Plan (SIP). The meeting report is to come soon.


The 1st Joint AWCI/APN Scoping Workshop and the 2nd GEOSS Asia Pacific Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 14 - 17 April 2008. 19.05.2008

The 1st Joint GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI)/Asian Pacific Network for Climate Change Research (APN) Scoping Workshop was held in conjunction with the 2nd GEOSS Asian Pacific Symposium: The role of Earth observations in tackling climate change, in Tokyo, Japan from 14 - 17 April 2008. The objective of the GEOSS AWCI/APN Scoping workshop was to discuss coordination and alignment of climate and water-related activities currently being undertaken by APN and AWCI as well as to discuss and plan potential future activities between APN and AWCI, which are to be co-funded or separately funded by both sides and are related, but not limited, to GEOSS activities to better inform decision-makers. The workshop outcomes contribute to the forming of a Memorandum of Understanding between APN and AWCI.


The CEOP International Model Output Conference Calls resumed. 19.05.2008

The CEOP International Model Output Conference Calls were resumed in March 2008. The new series of the Model Output calls follows up on the former 'CEOP' Model Output Calls. The Notes from the 1st and 2nd in the new series of the CEOP Model Calls are available here. The 3rd Model Output call is proposed to take place on Tuesday 24 June 2008 at 13:00 UTC.


The CEOP Strategic Implementation Plan submitted to the GEWEX SSG in February 2008. 19.05.2008

The latest version of the CEOP Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) was submitted to the GEWEX SSG at the SSG meeting in Buenos Aires in February 2008. The comments from the SSG members are anticipated and will be addressed in the next version that will be finalized for the upcoming CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva in September 2008. 

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