CEOP Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observations Project

Related Links

CEOP related organizations and programs

'CEOP': Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period

GEWEX: Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment

WCRP: World Climate Research Programme

GEO: Group on Earth Observations

IGOS-P: Integrated Global Observing Strategy-Partners

CEOS: Committee on Earth Observation Satellites

CLIVAR: Climate Variability

CliC: Climate and Cryosphere

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization

GCOS: Global Climate Observing System

GOOS: Global Ocean Observing System

GTOS: Global Terrestrial Observing System

ICSU: International Council for Science

IGBP: International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

IGFA: International Group of Funding Agencies

IOC: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

WMO: World Meteorological Organization

Regional Hydroclimate Projects

AMMA: African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis Project

BALTEX: The Baltic Sea Experiment

CPPA: Climate Prediction Program for the Americas

LBA: The Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment

LPB: La Plata Basin

MAHASRI: Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmospheric Science Research and prediction Initiative

MDB: Murray-Darling Basin

NEESPI: Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative

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Other/Former RHPs and Continental Scale Experiments (CSEs)

CAMP: 'CEOP' Asia-Australia Monsoon Project

CATCH: Coupling Tropical Atmosphere and Hydrologic Cycle

GAME: GEWEX Asia Monsoon Experiment

GAPP: GEWEX Americas Prediction Project

GCIP: GEWEX Continental-scale International Project

MAGS: Mackenzie GEWEX Study

Other CEOP Elements

Data Management/Data Access/Reference Sites

Distributed Data Integration System


High Elevations Study

ICTS: Inter-Continental Transferability Study

Model Data Archive at MPI

Satellite Data and Central Data Integration System

SWING: Stable Water Isotope Working Group

WEBS: Water and Energy Budget Study

CEOP Collaborative Projects and Data Centers

ARM: Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program

AWCI: Asian Water Cycle Initiative

BSRN: Baseline Surface Radiation Network


GPCC: Global Precipitation Climatology Center

GRDC: Global Runoff Data Center

WGNE: Working Group on Numerical Experimentation

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Numerical Weather Prediction Centers

BoM: Bureau of Meteorology

CPTEC: Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos

ECMWF: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

ECPC: Experimental Climate Prediction Center

EMC: EPSON Meteo Center (Centro EPSON Meteo)

GLDAS: Global Land Data Assimilation System

GMAO: NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office

JMA: Japan Meteorological Agency

MSC: Meteorological Service Canada

NCEP: National Centers for Environmental Prediction

NCMRWF: National Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting

UKMO: UK Met Office


ESA: European Space Agency

JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

WGISS: CEOS Working Group on Information Services and Systems

Monsoon Studies

CATCH: Coupling Tropical Atmosphere and Hydrologic Cycle

CPPA: Climate Prediction Program for the Americas

GAME: GEWEX Asia Monsoon Experiment

GAPP: GEWEX Americas Prediction Project

JASMINE: Joint Air-Sea Monsoon INteraction Experiment

LBA: Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia

MAHASRI: Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmospheric Science Research and prediction Initiative

VAMOS: Variability of the American Monsoon Systems

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Last Updated:  2010/07/16 12:14 (JST)
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