CEOP Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observations Project

Cross Cutting Studies (CCS)

CEOP has a number of Cross-Cutting Studies (CCS) that is being pursued in collaboration with the Regional Studies, RHPs and Modeling Studies. These regional include Water and Energy Budget Study, Extremes, Aerosols, and Isotopes projects.

Water and Energy Budget Study (WEBS)

Chair: Kun Yang (

A WEBS was first initiated by GEWEX/GHP to develop the gbest available water and energy budgetsh, for the global land regions associated with the GEWEX CSEs. GEWEX Phase I Results have now addressed regional variability of water and energy components, the importance of land surface parameterization for precipitation forecast, and the importance of Continental-Scale Experiments in closure of the regional water and energy budgets.

The CEOP WEBS element will merge research activities of GHP WEBS with activities of the eCEOPf Water and Energy Simulation and Prediction (WESP) (such as multi-model inter-comparisons). The CEOP/WEBS is now helping CEOP to develop situ data, model output, satellite in a form that can be exchanged and disseminated Based on this CEOP integrated data of observations, satellite products, and model output, CEOP/WEBS will address the following key issues related to data quality, model deficiencies and science:

  • Quantify data accuracy, uncertainties, and discrepancies of energy and water components, particularly for RHP regions.
  • Since there are many data sources for each hydrological/energy component, can we find which is superior to others, if any?
  • How can we integrate in situ, model and satellite to develop the gbest available water and energy budgetsh, for the global land regions associated with RHP?
  • With current available data, how can we identify deficiencies of model parameterizations and satellite algorithms?
  • How can we characterize differences and inter-connections of regional water and energy budgets, and their temporal variability, particularly for hydroclimate g hotspotsh, extreme events as well as low-frequency climate events?
  • What is the role of land-atmosphere interactions for hydroclimate ghotspotsh, extreme events as well as low-frequency climate events?

Water and energy budgets are a broad topic in the GEWEX research community. The WEBS is trying to define its scope to be an analysis and assessment project (though it also covers modeling and data assimilation) and to address regional water and energy budget more than global one. It is a data-based project, and needs strong collaboration from RHPs, NWP centers, space agencies, data integration centers. The WEBS group will work jointly with other groups (CEOP subprojects, GRP-SRB and GMPP-follow-on) on some topics for improving quantitative knowledge on water and energy budgets from local short-term to global long-term (multi-decadal) scales.

WEBS Objectives:

  • Determine and understand average values and temporal variability for components of the water and energy cycles.
  • Identify systematic errors and uncertainty of various types of water and energy data (in situ, model, satellite, etc.).
  • Characterize the temporal variability of water and energy budget of regional hydroclimate phenomena with particular attention to hydroclimate ghotspotsh, extreme events, and low frequency climate events.

Based on CEOP integrated data of observations, satellite products, and model output, WEBS will evaluate and analyze regional water and energy budget. According to discussions during the 6th and 7th CEOP implementation planning meetings, CEOP WEBS will:

  • Collection of in situ data, model output, and satellite data and products.
  • Data inter-comparison study to identify model deficiencies in simulating water and energy budget and to evaluate satellite products needed for water and energy budget study.
  • Application of land data assimilation to produce multi-years soil moisture and land flux for regions with large component interactions (so-called high-impact regions, such as Tibet and semi-arid regions).
  • Evaluation of exchange and variability among surface, atmospheric, and full-column water and energy budget profiles in high-impact regions.
  • Analyze relationships between water and energy budget anomalies in high-impact regions and relevant extreme events.
  • Evaluate global water cycle using regional model inter-comparison and parameterization sensitivity experiments to improve parameterization schemes and understanding diurnal ~ inter-annual variability.
  • Identify and focus on regions where water cycle simulation has trouble.

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Chair: Ron Stewart (

A fundamental aspect of the water and energy cycle is the occurrence of extremes. Extremes develop and evolve on a continual basis within the current climate system, and they lead to enormous impacts when and where they occur. How can we improve our understanding and prediction of extremes? To what extent will the types, distributions, and impacts of extremes change in a world with an altered climate? Extremes will systematically address these issues within the present climate system and this solid foundation will then allow us to contribute significantly to understanding to what extent they may change in the future.

Extremes initially to be studied are those with a eclimatologically significant duration and/or spatial extentf as opposed to individual, short-term events such as thunderstorms or flash floods. This perspective includes:

  • Extended wet period (producing a substantial period of precipitation for one to several days that affects areas on scales of at least 10,000 km2).
  • Drought (with its standard definitions) and this may include heat waves (lasting for days to weeks).

Associated research will include, for example:

  • Examination of storm track variations.
  • Long periods of dry conditions interspersed with heavy rain.

Specific scientific issues to be addressed include:

  • How we define extremes.
  • What extremes have occurred.
  • How do extremes develop, evolve and end within the climate system.
  • Have extremes changed in occurrence and character and why or why not.
  • Given our progress, how can we contribute to assessing whether extremes may change in the future?

Extremes research will be carried out through several activities. This includes the potential development of new measures of extremes for droughts and extended wet periods, updating datasets on extremes, the analysis of several ecase studiesf of extremes, and the examination of trends of extremes. It may also include ecase studiesf of extremes within climate scenarios.

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Chairs: William Lau (

As a result of the work in 'CEOP' Inter-Monsoon Study (CIMS) to understand and document the seasonal, diurnal and intraseasonal variation of the monsoon systems, and to carry out inter-monsoon comparison studies to identify possible physical connections, and common features, we have identified aerosol-monsoon water cycle interaction as an important common problem in all monsoon regions that has not received enough attention under the existing panel structure of CLIVAR and GEWEX. Under the new aerosol-cross cut initiative of CEOP, we will examine the impact of aerosol radiative forcing in affecting diurnal to seasonal cycles, as well as evaluating impacts on climate variability and change.

To summarize, the objectives of CEOP Aerosol activities are to:

  • Unravel the effects of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on the monsoon water cycle and their interaction with the atmosphere-land-ocean system, from diurnal, intraseasonal to interannual time scales.
  • Provide better understanding of the mechanisms of extreme events that affect water availability in monsoon regions, and their relationships to oceanic, land, atmospheric (including aerosols) forcings.

The CEOP Aerosol-Water Cycle Cross-Cut (CAWC) is aimed at multi-disciplinary studies of aerosol effects on the regional and water cycle, including forcing and responses of the climate system. It addresses scientific issues associated with aerosol-clouds-precipitation-climate interaction, from the perspective of the continental scale water cycle. The scientific objective of CAWC is:

  • To unravel the physical mechanisms and multi-scale interactions associated with aerosol continental scale water cycle interaction, with emphases on, but not limited to, monsoon regions and adjacent deserts and semi-arid regions.

Major science issues to be addresses are:

  • Determination of regional and global aerosol forcing functions over different biomes, including monsoon regions, deserts, semi-deserts, vegetated land and forests.
  • Forcing and responses of regional and global water cycle to aerosol forcing.
  • Aerosol physical, chemical and radiative properties.
  • Aerosol transport processes linking dry regions (deserts and semi-deserts), high mountains, e.g., Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, to wet regions, e.g., monsoon and adjacent oceans.
  • Solar attenuation effect vs. elevated heating effect in affecting continental scale water cycle dynamics.
  • Possible aerosol microphysics effects on clouds and precipitation.
  • Coupled aerosol-land hydroclimate processes, e.g., impact of soil moisture, snow cover, glacier processes.
  • Coupled aerosol-ocean-atmosphere processes e.g., SST, El Nino.

CAWC will draw on the diverse expertise in the current CEOP new organization, with strong interactions among the following elements: AMMA, RHPs (particularly, AMMA, MAHASRI, CPPA, LBA), and synergy with the CEOP elements of Semi-Arid, High-Elevation, WEBS, Extremes. CAWC plans to implement the following initiatives in conjunction with the Asian Monsoon Year and International Monsoon Year (2008-2012):

  • The Joint Aerosol-Monsoon Experiment (JAMEX), using integrated field measurements and satellite observations and modeling to study aerosol-water cycle interaction over the Asian continent and adjacent oceanic regions, in conjunction with large number of national field campaigns in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
  • West Africa Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation (WAMME) project, with the objective to better understanding the influence of aerosol forcing, atmosphere-land coupled processes on the West Africa Monsoon and Sahel drought.

Both initiatives are now underway, with strong community support. CEOP reference data, satellite data and field campaign observations will be used to validate numerical experiments using high-resolution RCMs, e.g. WRF, coupled to LSM over high mountain regions, e.g., Himalayas, semi-deserts or desert regions, with and without interactive aerosol, and/or land surface forcing to determine their relative roles in maintenance of the continental scale water cycle, and causes of droughts and floods.

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Co-Chairs: David Noone (; Kei Yoshimura (

The Isotope Cross Cut Study (ICCS) contributes to CEOP by facilitating isotope studies, which augment and enhance the predominant non-isotope studies within GEWEX/CEOP. The ICCS includes modeling (both validation and assessment), process studies from in situ and remote sensed data, and integration of these studies with other CEOP studies.

The ICCS includes a modeling research group called Stable Water Isotope Working Group (SWING; The SWING aims to use water isotope information to understand water cycle processes and to quantify their role in climate and climate feedbacks. The SWING incorporates an intercomparison of current state-of-the-art water isotope general circulation models and related observational isotope data. It brings together scientists with a common wide range of interest in both modeling and measuring stable water isotopes (H218O, HDO) and its application to earth system problems with a special focus on atmospheric hydrologic balance and water movement in the land surface. Recent developments in satellite observational capability have allowed water isotope measurements and have become an integral part of SWING. Since the isotope information provided through ICCS/SWING is of great utility for diagnosing cloud processes and surface exchange in models and in nature, there are many opportunities to work with other groups, which are not presently being exploited. An example of success was the Isotopes in Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (IPILPS) project, which used land models from the SWING models and other models to assess surface energy and water balance with isotopes.

Specific opportunities for partnership with existing GEWEX activities include an isotope counterpart to, for instance, GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS). Similar isotope partnerships would assist activities such as WEBS. An example of success from such an interaction was the extension of the PILPs program to include an isotope element (IPILPS) that lead to further insight into the ability (or otherwise) of land surface parameterization schemes to not only simulate local surface water and energy balance, but to do so in the right way. The same approach could be adopted for cloud parameterizations; river and ground water flow models and large (continental) scale energy and water budgets. While these new opportunities have not been realized, planning for the isotope crosscut under CEOP is such that these can be developed.

A key function of the isotope crosscut is facilitation access to isotopic datastreams (both observations, model simulation results and remote sensing data) that are otherwise difficult to obtain for integrative studies. This requires the establishment of data storage capabilities. For the implementation under CEOP it is recommended that:

  • Each RHP to contribute (existing and new) isotope data to a common archive. This includes precipitation, vapor, rivers, as we well as biosphere specific data (i.e., leaf, stem xylem, soil water)
  • A collection of appropriate satellite data (TES, also IMG, possibly upper trop/stratosphere via MIPAS and ACE) is available in a processed form useful to investigators.
  • Continued support of existing SWING modeling activities and support of new extensions to the SWING model standard output, and global observations, aimed to aid in isotope analysis of RHP studies. Includes addition of new modeling groups (potentially 7+ groups, plus possible model variants/improvements from existing groups).
  • CEOP provision of data center facilities for coordinated isotope measurements access RHPs.

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