CEOP Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observations Project

News              Archive

14.09.10: HyMeX approved as a new Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) of the new GHP at the August 2010 Pan-GEWEX and SSG Meetings, Seattle. ...Full.


14.09.10: Formation of a new GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel in place of CEOP and other outcomes and prospects from the August 2010 pan-GEWEX and SSG meetings, Seattle. ...Full.


20.08.10: The 2nd Pan-GEWEX Science Meeting CEOP sessions Agenda available. Here.


25.05.10: The 2nd Pan-GEWEX Science Meeting in Seattle, USA, 23 - 27 August 2010. ...Full.


03.06.09: The 3rd Annual Meeting of the CEOP, Melbourne, Australia released. ...Full.


24.02.09: A tentative calendar of CEOP Conference Calls available. ...Full.


16.10.08: The 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting presentation material available. ...Full.


12.09.08: Further updates of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva Agenda and other documents. ...Full.


10.09.08: Agenda of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva updated. ...Full.


02.09.08: Dr. Ronald Stewart accepted the post of CEOP Co-Chair. ...Full.


29.08.08: Special CEOP issue of GEWEX News (August 2008) published. ...Full.


29.08.08: Provisional agenda of the 2nd CEOP Annual Meeting in Geneva available. ...Full.


30.06.08: Invitation letter and logistics information of the 2nd CEOP International Implementation Planning Meeting in Geneva released. ...Full.


30.06.08: Obituary Notice: Our colleague and friend John Roads, Co-Chair of CEOP, died on Saturday 21 June, following a 2-year battle with leukemia. ...Full.


13.06.08: CEOP proposal to the GEO 2007 Work Plan Water Task WA-08-01 has been approved. ...Full.


19.05.08: The 2nd CEOP International Implementation Planning Meeting will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, 15 - 17 September 2008. ...Full.


19.05.08: The CEOP/GEWEX Extremes Workshop is held in May 2008. ...Full.


19.05.08: The Multi-model Analysis for CEOP (MAC) announces completion and public availability of their dataset. ...Full.


19.05.08: The CEOP-HE Meeting was held in Padua, Italy in April 2008. ...Full.


19.05.08: The 1st Joint AWCI/APN Scoping Workshop was held in Tokyo, Japan in April 2008 in conjunction with the 2nd GEOSS Asia Pacific Symposium. ...Full.


19.05.08: The CEOP Model Output Conference Calls have been resumed. ...Full.


19.05.08: The latest version of the Strategic Implementation Plan was submitted to the GEWEX SSG at the February 2008 SSG Meeting. ...Full.

♦ This project period has been successfully completed.  ♦

♦ To understand and predict continental to local-scale hydroclimates for hydrologic applications.  ♦


CEOP Elements

Regional Hydroclimate Projects

AMMA: African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses

BALTEX: Baltic Sea Experiment

CPPA: Climate Prediction Program for the Americas

HyMeX: HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment

LBA: Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia

LPB: La Plata Basin Project

MAHASRI: Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and Prediction Initiative

MDB: Murray-Darling Basin Water Budget

NEESPI: Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative

Data Management

Reference Sites/Basins

Model Output

Satellite Data

Data Integration and Dissemination

Central Data Integration

Regional Studies

Cold Region Studies (CRS)

High Elevations (HE)

Monsoon (MONS)

Semi-Arid Studies (SAS)

Cross Cutting Studies

Water and Energy Budget Studies (WEBS)



Isotope Cross Cut Study (ICCS)

Model Studies

Global Models

Regional Climate Models

Inter-Continental Transferability Study (ICTS)

Scale Interaction Evaluation Experiment (SIEVE)

Land Surface Models (LSM)

Hydrologic Applications Project (HAP)

Associated Global Data Centers:  GPCC: Global Precipitation Climatology  •  GRDC: Global Runoff Data

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GEWEX logo

Last Updated:  2010/09/14 14:13 (JST)
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