CEOP Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observations Project


Through Wednesday to Friday, 19-21 August 2009


The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM),Melbourne,Australia


What's New

25 August 2009

  • Presentation is updated. "Here"Please click.

3 August 2009

  • Agenda is updated. Please look at the new one by clicking "AGENDA"on the left.

3 June 2009

  • Agenda is revised as of the end of May 2009. Please look at the new one by clicking "AGENDA"on the left.

  • Registration format is available. Please download a registration form at the "REGISTRATION"page, fill it in and send it back to the Secretariat.

  • If you need a visa application at your local Australian Embassy to enter Australia, please let the Secretariat know immediately and send the registration form by 15th June 2009.

 Melbourne is the capital and largest city
 of the State of Victoria, and the second
 most populous city in Australia.

  CEOP Tokyo Office

  Earth Observation Data
  Integration & Fusion Research
  Initiative (EDITORIA)

  Department of Civil Engineering,
  School of Engineering
  The University of Tokyo
  7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
  113-8656, Japan


  FAX: +81-3-5841-6130

Copyright(c) 2009-CEOP All Rights Reserved.