The 5th GEOSS AP Symposium:
AWCI parallel session
[ Tokyo, Japan, 2 - 4 April 2012 ]

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Opening and Welcome Remarks  
0.00Toshio Koike, University of Tokyo: Introduction to AWCI Parallel Session
0.01Rick Lawford, GEO Water
0.02Douglas Cripe, GEO Water

1. AWCI Activity Review

1.01K. Fukami (ICHARM): Flood Group Report
1.02I. Kaihotsu (Hiroshima Uni.): Drought Group Report
1.03B. Hoque/P. Koudelova (Uni. Tokyo): Water Quality Group Report
1.04M. Rahman (BUET): Climate Change Group Report
1.05S. Herath (UNU): Capacity Building Activities Review

2. Country Inputs to the AWCI Implementation Plan 2

2.01A. Islam: Bangladesh
2.02K. Chhophel: Bhutan
2.03aR. Kumar: India - NIH
2.03bS. Kaur: India - IMD
2.04S. Badri Kusuma: Indonesia
2.05T. Koike: Japan
2.06S. Pathoummady: Lao PDR
2.07M. Zaki Mat Amin: Malaysia
2.08G. Davaa: Mongolia
2.09S. Lin: Myanmar
2.10S. Sharma: Nepal
2.11G. Rasul: Pakistan
2.12F. Hilario: Philippines
2.13G.R.A.S. Gunathilake: Sri Lanka
2.14T. Suknapunnaphan: Thailand
2.15I. Dergacheva: Uzbekistan
2.16T. Dang Ngoc: Vietnam

3. Water-related Activities in Asia-Pacific Region

3.01A. Takemoto: Asia-Pacific Network fo rGlobal Change Research (APN)
3.02T. Sonoda: UNESCO Water Activities in Asia
3.03T. Kawasaki: Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO)
3.04Y. Amano: Three Principles to improve the strategy for Disaster Risk Management by JICA
3.05R. Oki: JAXA
3.06K. Onogi: JMA Reanalysis JRA-55
3.07K. Fukami: ICHARM

4. Summary of the AWCI Session

4.01T. Koike: Summary of the AWCI Parallel Session