The 8th Meeting of the GEOSS/AWCI International Coordination Group (ICG)
The 1st Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation (CCAA) Workshop
Date: 6th - 8th October 2011
Venue: Coex, World Trade Center, Seoul, South Korea
Three hotels are recommended by organizers for the meeting participants: Seoul Residence, Seoul Stars Hotel and Ramada Hotel (see below). Due to high touristic season in October in Seoul, it is rather difficult to find reasonable accommodation in the vicinity of the COEX centre, the meeting venue. Accordingly, the organizers have made block reservations in the said three hotels to assure adequate number of rooms for the meeting participants.
The organizers will need to confirm names and period of stay of individuals well in advance of the event and thus participants are kindly requested to provide the Meeting secretariat with your itinerary using this Registration Form. Individuals preferring different hotels are responsible for assuring your accommodation by yourself and advising the Secretariat accordingly.
Important Note: All the participants supported through the APN project funds are expected to stay either in the Seoul Residence Hotel or
Seoul Stars Hotel, which complies with the APN limitation for accommodation rates in Seoul, i.e. 110 USD per night. The Ramada Hotel rates exceed this limit, the lowest being 160 USD
per night. The APN fund supported individuals, who prefer other hotel, are responsible for assuring your accommodation and covering the difference between the hotel rate and the APN
maximum accommodation allowance by yourself. While this is a possible option, the organizers strongly recommend and also kindly request all the APN fund supported persons to stay in
the Seoul Residence in order to simplify the whole procedure.
Thank you.
Seoul Residence Hotel (rate: 110 USD)

Seoul Residence
708-16, Yeoksam-dong
Seoul, Korea
Phn: +82-2-6202-3100
Seoul Stars Hotel (rate: 110 USD)

Seoul Stars Hotel
236-8, Nonhyun-dong
Seoul, Korea
Phn: +82-2-550-9700
Ramada Hotel (rate: 160 USD)

Ramada Hotel
112-5, Samsung-dong
Seoul, Korea
Phn: +82-2-6202-2000
Access to the hotels
A detailed guide on the access from the aiport to the hotels and from the hotels to the venue has been prepared by the local host and is available in the Word document format
Map of the hotel and venue locations

View Venue and Hotels in a larger map