• DIAS Data Access (opened on 1 October 2010)
Global Earth Observation System of Systems / Asian Water Cycle Initiative
Product/Analysis description | |
Pakistan flood first analysis using ALOS data provided by JAXA. 30 Aug 2010 Serious damage has occurred in Pakistan recently due to floods and mudslides caused by heavy rain which occurred continuously since July 29, 2010. The flood damage has spread from north to south in Pakistan. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has made observations using the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS, "Daichi") to monitor the state of the damage. First analysis of the ALOS images is available here. |
GEOSS/AWCI Data Archiving and Access
Data Access
Data collected as part of the GEOSS/AWCI activities are archived and disseminated according to the GEOSS/AWCI Data Release and Dissemination Guidelines listed below.
Data of the GEOSS/AWCI Demonstration project basins are being archived at the Data Integration & Analysis System (DIAS), the data integration, analysis, and dissemination system that was launched in 2006 as part of the Earth Observation and ocean Exploration System, which is one of five National Key Technologies defined by the 3rd Basic Program for Science and Technology of Japan.
Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) is an important data provider for the AWCI activities including reference site and satellite observation and numerical weather prediction model output data.
Data Upload, Quality Control, Metadata Registration Systems
• AWCI Data Upload System  • Data Upload Status
• AWCI Data Visualization and Quality Control System
• AWCI Metadata Registration System
GEOSS/AWCI Data Release and Dissemination Guidelines
1) Release of Data in Compliance with WMO Resolution 40 (CG-XII) and WMO Resolution 25 (CG-XIII)
GEOSS/AWCI archives meteorological, hydrological, and related data and products in Asia for addressing the common water-related issues in Asia. Any policy for release and dissemination of GEOSS/AWCI data should principally comply with the WMO policy, practice and guidelines for the exchange of meteorological, hydrological, and related data and products, as embodied in Resolution 40 of the Twelfth WMO Congress 1995 (CG-XII), and Resolution 25 of the Thirteenth WMO Congress 1999 (CG-XIII); that is, free and unrestricted exchange of essential data and products.
The no-restriction principle shall in particular mean that no financial implications are involved for the GEOSS/AWCI data exchange. GEOSS/AWCI data providers shall transfer their obtained data to the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) free of charge. Also, GEOSS/AWCI data archived at the DIAS shall be offered free of charge to GEOSS/AWCI data users.
2) No Commercial Use or Exploitation
It is understood that all GEOSS/AWCI data shall be delivered to data users only for scientific studies and operational uses designed to meet GEOSS/AWCI objectives. Commercial use and exploitation by neither the data users nor the DIAS is prohibited, unless specific permission has been obtained from the data providers concerned in writing.
3) No Data Transfer to Third Parties
One restriction which will be imposed on all data users concerns the re-export or transfer of the original data (as received from the DIAS archive) to a third party. Such restriction shall apply to all categories of GEOSS/AWCI data, and is in the best interests of both the data providers and the potential users. Unrestricted copying of the original data by multiple, independent users may lead to errors in the data and loss of identity of its GEOSS/AWCI origin and is strictly prohibited.
DIAS will offer GEOSS/AWCI data to potential data users through electronic means, (e.g. the internet) or other designated media (e.g. CD ROMs). The DIAS shall install technical means to keep protocol on all data transfers to data users thus maintaining a catalogue of all data users, and the data files they have obtained.
4) Timing for Release of GEOSS/AWCI Data from the DIAS Archive
The timing issue clearly involves some conflicting aspects. The data user will obviously be interested in obtaining data as soon as possible after the time of measurement. The data provider as well as the DIAS will wish to ensure the highest attainable quality of the data. The latter will generally be time consuming, particularly in view of the shortage of manpower in many cases.
It is suggested that all GEOSS/AWCI data shall be categorized into real-time use (category 1), standard (category 2), and enhanced or experimental (category 3) data. Real-time use data shall be open in real- or near-real- time base. Standard data shall be freely open after the basic turn-around period of six months. Enhanced or Experimental data shall be freely open after a prolonged turn-around period of 15 months at maximum.
5) Acknowledgement and Citation
Whenever GEOSS/AWCI data distributed by DIAS are being used for publication of scientific results, the data's origin must be acknowledged and referenced. A minimum requirement is to reference GEOSS/AWCI and the DIAS. If only data from one river basin (or a limited number of river basins) has been used, additional acknowledgement to the river basin(s) and its (their) maintaining institutions or organizations shall be given.
Maintaining continuous, high-quality measurements, performing quality and error checking procedures, and submitting data and related documentation to the DIAS will require substantial financial and logistical efforts of the data providers. The necessary support for these data providersf activities originate from a variety of international, national and institutional sources. The DIAS shall make proper reference to all GEOSS/AWCI data providers and, if required, to their funding sources.
6) Co-operation between Data Users and Providers
Data users of GEOSS/AWCI data are encouraged to establish direct contact with the data providers for the purpose of complete interpretation and analysis of data for publication purposes. This is in particular recommended for category 2 data.
7) Co-Authorship
Co-authorship of data users and data providers on papers making extensive use of GEOASS/AWCI data is justifiable and highly recommended, in particular, if date providers have responded to questions raised about the data's quality and/or suitability for the specific study in question, or have been involved in directly contributing to the paper in other ways. It is highly recommended that any data user should contact the responsible person of the data provider and ask him/her if he/she wants to become co- author, or if an acknowledgement would be sufficient. If co-authorship is requested, the data provider and the data user should establish a basis for collaboration.
8) GEOSS/AWCI Publication Library
Whenever GEOSS/AWCI data distributed by DIAS are being used for publication of scientific results, the author(s) shall sent a copy of the respective publication, preferably in electronic form, to the DIAS in order to build up a GEOSS/AWCI publication library. DIAS will maintain this library and will it make public, for example via DIAS's web site, for a continuous monitoring of the GEOSS/AWCI data applications and GEOSS/AWCIfs achievements in general.
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Last Updated: 2013/05/17 10:56 (JST)
This web site is published by support of DIAS
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