AWCI: Asian Water Cycle Initiative

The 9th AWCI International Coordination Group (ICG) Meeting
and the Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation organized by APWF

Date:   29th September - 2nd October 2012
Venue:  University of Tokyo Hongo Campus, Tokyo, Japan

Group Photos

The AWCI Meeting Group Photo

The APWF Workshop Group Photo


AWCI has stepped into the second phase as initiated at the 8th ICG Meeting in Seoul, October 2011 and further discussed at the AWCI session held at the 5th GEOSS AP Symposium in Tokyo, April 2012. A set of country proposals have been collected for developing second phase implementation plan and they have been introduced at the said GEOSS AP Symposium. The upcoming, 9th AWCI ICG meeting will focus on synthesizing the provided inputs into a complex implementation plan that will be in line with the GEOSS Water Cycle Integrator (WCI) goals. An intensive discussion including all AWCI ICG country representatives and Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation (CCAA) study leaders is planned to elaborate the implementation plan framework. 

The AWCI part will also include a kick-off session of two AWCI projects funded under the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) programmes: (i) Impact of Climate Change on Glacier Melting and Water Cycle Variability in Asian River Basins (led by Dr. G. Rasul, Pakistan Meteorological Department, PMD) and (ii) GEOSS/Asian Water Cycle Initiative/Water Cycle Integrator (led by Dr. O. Ochiai, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA).

The AWCI session is scheduled in conjunction with the APWF Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation and all the AWCI ICG representatives and CCAA leaders are also invited to attend the workshop. The AWCI session will take place on Saturday 29th September (whole day) and Sunday 30th September (morning only). The Climate Change Adaptation Workshop will be held on Monday 1st October and Tuesday 2nd October. Both events will be held at the same venue, the University of Tokyo, Hongo campus, Tokyo, Japan.

What's New

  Photos of the APWF Workshop available.10 October 2012
  Photos of the AWCI Meeting available.10 October 2012
  AWCI Meeting Agenda updated.21 September 2012
  AWCI Meeting Agenda updated.21 September 2012
  Climate Change Adaptation Workshop Agenda released.21 September 2012
  AWCI Meeting Agenda released.9 September 2012
  Meeting website opened.20 August 2012
  Invitation letter released.14 August 2012
  First announcement released.26 July 2012

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Last Updated:  2012/10/11 22:12 (JST)
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